Reaction and Phenomenon of Cu20 and CuO with Dilute Sulfuric Acid, Concentrated Sulfuric Acid, Dilute Nitric Acid and Concentrated Nitric Acid Chemical equations, experimental phenomena

Reaction and Phenomenon of Cu20 and CuO with Dilute Sulfuric Acid, Concentrated Sulfuric Acid, Dilute Nitric Acid and Concentrated Nitric Acid Chemical equations, experimental phenomena

Cu2O+H2SO4=CuSO4+Cu+H2O, the brick red powder dissolves, the solution turns blue, and the remaining red solid. It is unclear whether it reacts with concentrated sulfuric acid.3Cu2O+14HNO3(dilute)=6Cu (NO3)2+2NO &...

Cu2O+H2SO4=CuSO4+Cu+H2O, the brick red powder dissolves, the solution turns blue, the remaining red solid. It is unclear whether it reacts with concentrated sulfuric acid.3Cu2O+14HNO3(dilute)=6Cu (NO3)2+2NO &...

Does copper react with concentrated sulfuric acid to be heated

It's very slow (I suggest you download a video of the experiment every day from today, so that you can watch it every day, and remember the experiment phenomenon, precautions, and how to purify it! )