What does aluminum and hot concentrated sulfuric acid produce? Does aluminum react with hot concentrated nitric acid? Does aluminum react with dilute nitric acid? If so, what is produced separately? What does aluminum and hot concentrated sulfuric acid produce? Does aluminum react with hot concentrated nitric acid? Does aluminum react with dilute nitric acid? If so, what is generated separately?

What does aluminum and hot concentrated sulfuric acid produce? Does aluminum react with hot concentrated nitric acid? Does aluminum react with dilute nitric acid? If so, what is produced separately? What does aluminum and hot concentrated sulfuric acid produce? Does aluminum react with hot concentrated nitric acid? Does aluminum react with dilute nitric acid? If so, what is generated separately?

Al+6HNO3(concentrated)===Al (NO3)3+3NO2↑+3H2O
Al+4HNO3(dilute)==Al (NO3)3+NO 2H2O

Equation for Reaction of Heating Copper with Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Why does it stop after a while? Equation for Reaction of Heating Copper with Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Why does the reaction stop after a while?

Cu+2H2SO4 concentration ==heating ==CuSO4+2H2O+SO2 gas
Why does it stop after a while?
Because after a while the concentrated sulfuric acid turned into dilute sulfuric acid, the reaction stopped

Cu+2H2SO4 concentration ==heating ==CuSO4+2H2O+SO2 gas
Why does the reaction stop after a while?
Because after a while the concentrated sulfuric acid turned into dilute sulfuric acid, the reaction stopped

Cu+2H2SO4concentrationheating ==CuSO4+2H2O+SO2 gas
Why does it stop after a while?
Because after a while the concentrated sulfuric acid became dilute, the reaction stopped