An excess copper sheet is added to 1.8 mol of concentrated sulfuric acid, heated and reacted sufficiently to produce a gas volume that may be

An excess copper sheet is added to 1.8 mol of concentrated sulfuric acid, heated and reacted sufficiently to produce a gas volume that may be

Theoretically 0.9 moles of sulfur dioxide are produced, i.e.20.16 litres at standard conditions, but less than 20.16 litres should be produced as concentrated sulfuric acid is diluted due to the formation of water during the reaction

Use 18mol/L concentrated sulfuric acid to prepare 100ml 1mol /L dilute sulfuric acid. What is the volume of concentrated sulfuric acid? Use 18mol/L concentrated sulfuric acid to prepare 100ml 1mol /L dilute sulfuric acid. What volume of concentrated sulfuric acid is required?
