Ion Equation for the Reaction of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid with Copper

Ion Equation for the Reaction of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid with Copper

No. Sulfuric acid in concentrated sulfuric acid exists in molecular form, and the copper sulfate generated can not be disassembled into ionic form, because the generated water is not enough to dissolve the copper sulfate generated. Therefore, the co-heating reaction of copper and concentrated sulfuric acid is not an ionic reaction, and the ionic reaction equation can not be written.

No. Sulfuric acid in concentrated sulfuric acid exists in molecular form, and the copper sulfate produced can not be disassembled into ionic form, because the generated water is not enough to dissolve the copper sulfate generated. Therefore, the co-heating reaction of copper and concentrated sulfuric acid is not an ionic reaction, and the ionic reaction equation can not be written.

Taking the reaction of copper carbon with concentrated sulfuric acid as an example, the ion equation is written

Neither of these reactions is an ionic reaction. There is no ion equation, only a chemical equation
C+2 H2SO4(concentrated)==△=CO2+2 SO2+2 H2O