What happens when copper is placed in the following acids? Write the relevant chemical reaction equation 1 dilute hydrochloric acid 2 concentrated sulfuric acid 3 dilute sulfuric acid 4 concentrated nitric acid 5 dilute nitric acid Explain why you can't react!

What happens when copper is placed in the following acids? Write the relevant chemical reaction equation 1 dilute hydrochloric acid 2 concentrated sulfuric acid 3 dilute sulfuric acid 4 concentrated nitric acid 5 dilute nitric acid Explain why you can't react!

Cu+4HNO3(concentrated)=Cu (NO3)2+2NO2 2H2O3Cu+8HNO3(dilute)=3Cu (NO3)

Does the reaction of copper with concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid require heating

Copper and concentrated sulfuric acid reactions require heating
Copper reacts directly with concentrated nitric acid at normal temperature to give reddish brown NO2. The equation is:
Cu+4HNO3(concentrated)=Cu (NO3)2+2NO2↑+2H2O
Copper and dilute nitric acid can also react directly at room temperature, but the rate is slow. Therefore, heating can also be used to accelerate the rate and release colorless NO. The equation is:3Cu+8HNO3(dilute)=3Cu (NO3)2+2NO 4H2O