Can concentrated sulfuric acid dry nitrogen dioxide, why

Can concentrated sulfuric acid dry nitrogen dioxide, why

Nitrogen dioxide can not be dried with concentrated sulphuric acid because the two react.
Nitrosulfonic acid NOHSO4 was formed by reaction of nitrogen dioxide with concentrated sulfuric acid

Nitrogen dioxide can not be dried with concentrated sulphuric acid because the two react.
Nitrosulfonic acid NOHSO4 was produced by reaction of nitrogen dioxide with concentrated sulfuric acid

SOME PROBLEMS ON THE REACTION OF CONCENTRATED SULFURIC ACID WITH COPPER When 100 mL of 1.84 mol/L concentrated sulfuric acid is reacted with sufficient copper under heating conditions, why is it impossible to obtain 0.92 mol sulfur dioxide? Wrong... not 1.84 mol/L, but 18.4 mol/L...

The reaction between concentrated sulfuric acid and copper becomes thinner. When concentrated sulfuric acid becomes thinner to a certain extent, it can not react with copper to form sulfur dioxide, so the final sulfur dioxide is less than 0.92 mol.