Formula for volume and surface area of all geometry! For example: cone, cylinder, triangle, diamond, etc..

Formula for volume and surface area of all geometry! For example: cone, cylinder, triangle, diamond, etc..

Perimeter of rectangle=(L+W)×2
Perimeter of square = side length ×4
Area of rectangle = length x width
Square area = side length × side length
Area of triangle = bottom × height ÷2
Area of parallelogram = bottom x height
Area of trapezoid=(upper bottom + lower bottom)× height÷2
Diameter = Radius ×2 Radius = Diameter ÷2
Circumference of circle = pi x diameter =
Pi × radius ×2
Area of circle = pi × radius × radius
Surface area of box =
Cuboid volume = length x width x height
Surface area of cube = prism length × prism length ×6
Volume of cube = prism length × prism length × prism length
Side product of cylinder = perimeter of bottom circle × height
Surface area of cylinder = upper and lower bottom area + side area
Volume of cylinder = bottom area × height
Volume of cone = bottom area × height ÷3
Box (Box, Cylinder)
Volume of = Bottom Area × Height
Plan graphics
Name Symbol Perimeter C and Area S
Square a - side length C=4a
Rectangles a and b - side length C=2(a+b)
Triangles a, b, c - Triangular length
Height on h-a side
S - Half of perimeter
A, B, C-Inner angle
Where s=(a+b+c)/2 S=ah/2
=[ S (s-a)(s-b)(s-c)]1/2
= A2sinBsinC /(2sinA)
Quadrilateral d, D - diagonal length
α-Diagonal angle S=dD/2·sinα
Parallelogram a, b - side length
Height of h-a side
α-Angle on both sides S=ah
Rhombus a-side length
D - long diagonal length
D - short diagonal length S=Dd/2
Trapezoidal a and b - upper and lower bottom length
M - median line length S=(a+b) h/2
Circle r - Radius
D-diameter C=πd=2πr
Sector r-sector radius
A—number of center angle
Bow l - arc length
B - chord length
H - vector height
Degree of α-Central Angle S=r2/2·(/180-sinα)
= R2arc cos [(r-h)/r ]-(r-h)(2rh-h2)1/2
=πα R2/360-b/2·[ r2-(b/2)2]1/2
=R (l-b)/2+bh/2
Circular ring R-radius of outer circle
R - radius of inner circle
D - OD
D - Diameter of inner circle S=π(R2-r2)
Ellipse D-long axis
D-short axis S=πDd/4
Cubic figure
Name Symbol Area S and Volume V
Square a-side length S=6a2
Box a-Long
C-high S=2(ab+ac+bc)
Prism S-Bottom Area
H-high V=Sh
Pyramid S-Bottom Area
H-high V=Sh/3
Prismatic S1 and S2- upper and lower bottom area
H-high V=h [S1+S2+(S1S1)1/2]/3
Quasi-cylinder S1-upper bottom area
S2-lower bottom area
S0-medium section area
H-high V=h (S1+S2+4S0)/6
Cylinder r-bottom radius
C—Bottom perimeter
Sbottom-bottom area
S-side-side area
Surface area C=2πr
SBottom =πr2
S side=Ch
Table S = Ch+2S bottom
V=S bottom h
Hollow cylinder R-radius of outer circle
R - radius of inner circle
H-high V=πh (R2-r2)
Straight Cone r-Bottom Radius
H-high V=πr2h/3
Circular platform r-upper bottom radius
R-lower bottom radius
H-high V=πh (R2+Rr+r2)/3
Ball r-radius
D-diameter V=4/3πr3=πd2/6
Ball missing h-ball missing height
R-sphere radius
A-Ball missing bottom radius V=πh (3a2+h2)/6
A2= h (2r-h)
Ball table r1 and r2- Radius of upper and lower bottom of ball table
H-high V=πh [3(r12+r22)+h2]/6
Torus R-Ring radius
D-ring diameter
R-Ring section radius
D-Ring section diameter V=2π2Rr2
Can-body D - Can-body diameter
D - drum bottom diameter
H-barrel height V=πh (2D2+d2)/12
(Busbars are arc-shaped and the center of the circle is the center of the barrel)
V=πh (2D2+Dd+3d2/4)/15
(Busbars are parabolic)

One math required 2 space geometry surface area and volume of all formulas I can't remember all of them, including the trapezoidal triangle, or I should study abroad. One math required 2 space geometry surface area and volume of all formulas I can't remember all of them, including the trapezoidal triangle, or I should abroad.

Volume of prism: V=Sh
Pyramid volume: V=1/3Sh