Cl2 reacts with NaOH, and the chemical equation is Cl2+2NaOH==NaClO (sodium hypochlorite, for bleaching)+NaCl+H2O

Cl2 reacts with NaOH, and the chemical equation is Cl2+2NaOH==NaClO (sodium hypochlorite, for bleaching)+NaCl+H2O

Sodium hypochlorite liquid is prepared by electrolytic salt water. This equipment is called sodium hypochlorite generator. The formation process of sodium hypochlorite can be through chemical equation solution reaction:8NaOH + Cl8→ NaCl + NaClO + H8O. Of course, sodium hypochlorite disinfection liquid is produced by sodium hypochlorite generator.

Cl2+2NaOH=NaC1+NaC1O+H2O If the mass fraction of sodium hydroxide used is 10%, the absorption of 14.2 kg chlorine requires at least 10% sodium hydroxide... Cl2+2NaOH=NaC1+NaC1O+H2O If the mass fraction of sodium hydroxide used is 10%, how many kilograms of sodium hydroxide need to be consumed to absorb 14.2kg chlorine at least?

71 80
14.2 Kg m
71/14.2 Kg =80/m
M =16 kg
Therefore, at least 10% sodium hydroxide mass is required to be consumed =16/10%=160 kg