What is the correlation between limestone, quicklime, hydrated lime and calcium carbonate? Write the chemical equation for conversion

What is the correlation between limestone, quicklime, hydrated lime and calcium carbonate? Write the chemical equation for conversion

Lime: CaO
Hydrated lime: Ca (OH)2
The main component of limestone is calcium carbonate: CaCO3
Lime + water = hydrated lime:
CaO+H2O=Ca (OH)2(exothermic)
Hydrated lime + carbon dioxide = calcium carbonate
Ca (OH)2+CO2=CaCO3 H2O
CaCO3 heated:
CaCO3(heating)= CaO+CO2↑

What is the chemical formula of slaked lime, quicklime and limestone?

Hydrated lime: Ca (OH)2
Lime: CaO
Limestone: CaCO3
Calcination of limestone yields quicklime, a hydrated lime that reacts with water.