Why is the mass ratio of electrolyzed water to hydrogen to oxygen 1:8 I don't understand why the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 1:8 Better be more specific. Thank you. Why is the mass ratio of water, hydrogen and oxygen 1:8 I don't understand why the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 1:8 Better be more specific. Thank you.

Why is the mass ratio of electrolyzed water to hydrogen to oxygen 1:8 I don't understand why the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 1:8 Better be more specific. Thank you. Why is the mass ratio of water, hydrogen and oxygen 1:8 I don't understand why the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 1:8 Better be more specific. Thank you.

The molecular formula of water is H2O. A water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, so the volume ratio of hydrogen and oxygen is 2:1, the relative molecular mass ratio is 2:32, so the mass ratio is 2×2:1×32=4:32=1:8.

What is the mass ratio of hydrogen to oxygen when electrolyzing water

Volume ratio o; h=1:2
Mass ratio O: H=8:1