The volume ratio of hydrogen to oxygen produced in the actual experiment when electrolyzing water is more than half When we electrolyze water, what should we choose as electrodes to make the experiment successful The volume ratio of hydrogen to oxygen produced in the actual experiment when electrolyzing water is more than half When we electrolyze water, what should we choose as an electrode to make the experiment successful

The volume ratio of hydrogen to oxygen produced in the actual experiment when electrolyzing water is more than half When we electrolyze water, what should we choose as electrodes to make the experiment successful The volume ratio of hydrogen to oxygen produced in the actual experiment when electrolyzing water is more than half When we electrolyze water, what should we choose as an electrode to make the experiment successful

The electrolyzing water, the volume of oxygen is usually smaller. The main reasons are as follows:(1) The solubility of hydrogen and oxygen in water is different. The solubility of oxygen is slightly larger.(2) The oxidation of the electrode and the side reaction of the electrode are produced. If dilute sulfuric acid solution is used as the electrolyte, some people think that the following side reaction occurs: H2SO4=H++HSO4- at the cathode.

The process of chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen can be described macroscopically as follows. Try the following questions: (1) Write the text expression of the reaction:______. (2) In addition to the meaning of the chemical equation itself, what other information do you get from the figure? (Write two) ①______;②______. The process of chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen can be described macroscopically as follows. Try the following questions: (1) Write the text expression of the reaction:______. (2) What other information do you get from the graph, in addition to the meaning represented by the chemical equation itself? (Just write two) ①______;②______. The process of chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen can be described macroscopically as follows. Try to answer the following questions: (1) Write the text expression of the reaction:______. (2) What other information do you get from the graph, in addition to the meaning represented by the chemical equation itself? (Just write two) ①______;②______.

(1) It can be seen from the process diagram of the reaction that the water molecule is generated by the reaction of hydrogen molecule and oxygen molecule, so the literal expression of the reaction is: hydrogen + oxygen ignition

(2) Before and after the reaction, the molecular composition is changed, but the type and number of atoms of the constituent molecules are not changed. Therefore, it can be known that in chemical change, the molecules can be divided into atoms, and one water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Therefore, the answer is:(1) Hydrogen + oxygen ignition

Water;(2) In chemical change, molecules are separable and atoms are inseparable; a water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (other reasonable answers are also possible).