Crystals have a fixed melting point, whereas amorphous ones do not. So, how to tell if a substance is crystalline or amorphous? Crystals have a fixed melting point, whereas amorphous ones do not. So, how to determine whether a substance is crystalline or amorphous?

Crystals have a fixed melting point, whereas amorphous ones do not. So, how to tell if a substance is crystalline or amorphous? Crystals have a fixed melting point, whereas amorphous ones do not. So, how to determine whether a substance is crystalline or amorphous?

When the crystal is heated for a period of time, the temperature does not change, and the amorphous temperature always changes

Chemical Equations for Quicklime to Mature Lime and hydrated Lime to Calcium Carbonate Chemical Equations for Lime to Mature and hydrated Lime to Calcium Carbonate

CaO+H2O=Ca (OH)2
Ca (OH)2+CO2=H2O+CaCO3