Why does the positive electrode produce oxygen and the negative electrode produce oxygen and the negative electrode hydrogen? The answers are very different ~

Why does the positive electrode produce oxygen and the negative electrode produce oxygen and the negative electrode hydrogen? The answers are very different ~

Physical attraction with different electrons forms a low energy (state of low energy)
H ion with positive charge O ion with negative charge
Positive charge attracted by negative electrode
Negatively charged by positive electrodes
Ionize molecules at that starting electrode
It forms what you ask.
(It's not easy to ask this kind of question. Instead of the teacher praising you, I did n' t even think about this question. The teacher is called rote. I only knew it in high school.)

Physical attraction with different electrons forms a low energy (state of low energy)
H ion with positive charge O ion with negative charge
Positive charge attracted by negative electrode
Negatively charged by positive electrodes
Ionize molecules at that starting electrode
It's what you ask.
(It's not easy to ask this kind of question. Instead of the teacher praising you, I did n' t even think about this question. The teacher is called rote. I only knew it in high school.)

Why is the volume ratio of hydrogen to oxygen greater than two to one in the electrolysis of water Why is the volume ratio of hydrogen to oxygen greater than two to one for the electrolysis of water

When hydrogen and oxygen are not considered to be dissolved in water, the volume ratio of hydrogen to oxygen obtained is 2:1
However, the solubility of oxygen in water is greater than that of hydrogen, so more oxygen is dissolved in water, so the actual volume ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is greater than 2:1