Can hydrogen and oxygen be produced simultaneously in a chemical reaction RT, please give a brief explanation,

Can hydrogen and oxygen be produced simultaneously in a chemical reaction RT, please give a brief explanation,

Yes, this is the example given in the ninth-grade textbook:
Electrolytic water:
Water generates hydrogen and oxygen when energized
Note: Above the equals sign, write "Energized" This is the reaction condition. The volume ratio of hydrogen to oxygen produced is 2:1).

Yes, this is an example from the ninth-grade textbook:
Electrolytic water:
Water generates hydrogen and oxygen when energized
Note: Above the equals sign, write "Energized" This is the reaction condition. The volume ratio of hydrogen to oxygen produced is 2:1).

Hydrogen plus oxygen ignites the essence of the chemical reaction to produce water.

Hydrogen and oxygen molecules are decomposed into hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms

Hydrogen and oxygen molecules are decomposed into hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms.