The ionic equation for the reaction of SO2 with NaClO solution is SO2+ClO-+2OH-=SO42-+Cl-+H2O Or SO2+ClO-+H2O=SO42-+Cl-+2H2+, is NaClO alkaline?

The ionic equation for the reaction of SO2 with NaClO solution is SO2+ClO-+2OH-=SO42-+Cl-+H2O Or SO2+ClO-+H2O=SO42-+Cl-+2H2+, is NaClO alkaline?

The hydrolysis of NaClO is not considered.
In fact, the hydrolysis of salt is very weak - hydrolysis is the reverse reaction of neutralization reaction, which is very easy to occur.

The boiling point of water at standard atmospheric pressure is 100°C. The boiling point of water measured in the experiment is only 99°C. What is the reason?

The standard atmospheric pressure is generally at sea level, and the experimental place must be higher than the sea level. The higher the atmospheric pressure is, the lower the atmospheric pressure is, i.e. the formula P=pgh, where h is the distance to the atmospheric edge, the higher the distance is, of course, the closer to the atmosphere.
The lower the air pressure, the lower the boiling point of water.

The standard atmospheric pressure is generally at sea level, and the experimental place must be higher than the sea level. The higher the atmospheric pressure is, the lower the atmospheric pressure is.
The lower the air pressure, the lower the boiling point of water.