The temperature at which the liquid boils is called the boiling point. What does it have to do with the level?

The temperature at which the liquid boils is called the boiling point. What does it have to do with the level?

The temperature at which a liquid boils is called the boiling point and is related to the (saturated vapor pressure) on the liquid surface

The temperature at which the liquid boils is called ___, and the boiling point of water at a standard atmospheric pressure is ___.

The temperature at which the liquid boils is called the boiling point. The boiling point of water is 100°C at 1 standard air pressure.
Therefore, the answer is: boiling point;100°C.

The temperature at which a liquid boils is called the boiling point. The boiling point of water is 100°C at 1 standard air pressure.
Therefore, the answer is: boiling point;100°C.