The temperature at which a liquid boils is called the boiling point. The boiling point of a liquid is related to ().() The boiling point increases and () the boiling point decreases

The temperature at which a liquid boils is called the boiling point. The boiling point of a liquid is related to ().() The boiling point increases and () the boiling point decreases

Barometric pressure increases Barometric pressure decreases

Barometric pressure increases and barometric pressure decreases

The barometric pressure and barometric pressure decreases

Boiling Definition () Boiling Characteristics of Boiling Point Liquids () Boiling Conditions ①②

Boiling definition: When a liquid is heated above its saturation temperature, violent vaporization occurs simultaneously inside and on the surface of the liquid.
Boiling point:(temperature) at which the liquid boils
Boiling characteristics:1, at a certain temperature (boiling point), and continue to heat, can occur vaporization phenomenon.
2. Severe vaporization on the surface and inside of the liquid
3. Keep the liquid temperature constant during boiling
Boiling condition 1: boiling point.2: can continue to absorb heat from the outside.