1 Non-negative numbers do not include 0 2-2.7 Non-integer 3 Positive and negative integers are collectively referred to as integers 4 Non-integer numbers include negative numbers and 0 5 Minimum rational number is 0 There is no minimum or maximum rational number.

1 Non-negative numbers do not include 0 2-2.7 Non-integer 3 Positive and negative integers are collectively referred to as integers 4 Non-integer numbers include negative numbers and 0 5 Minimum rational number is 0 There is no minimum or maximum rational number.

Correct statement:(2),(6)

The rational number that is negative instead of integer is _____. 1. For the following numbers:-4/5,1,8.6,-7,0,-14/3,+101,-0.05,-9,[] A. Only 1,-7,+101,-9 are integers B. Only three numbers are positive integers C. Nonnegative number has 1,8.6,0,5/6,+101 D. Only -4/5 and -14/3 are fractions Please state the reason that there is a 5/6 in the title, forget to write

A:0 is an integer
There are only two B: positive integers:1,101
D: all finite and infinite cyclic decimals can be fractional