What is the remainder of the 1995 power of 1994 divided by 7? (State reasons) What is the remainder of the 1994 1995 power divided by 7? (State reasons)

What is the remainder of the 1995 power of 1994 divided by 7? (State reasons) What is the remainder of the 1994 1995 power divided by 7? (State reasons)

The remainder of 1994 divided by 7 is 6, so the remainder of 1994 to the 1995 power divided by 7 is equal to the remainder of 6 to the 1995 power divided by 7:
6 Divided by 7;
The second power of 6 divided by 7;
The third power of 6 divided by 7;
The fourth power of 6 divided by 7;
Because 1995 is odd, the 1995th power of 6 divided by the remainder of 7 is equal to the remainder of 6 divided by 7, which is 6.

1995 Power of 1994

The Nth power of 1994 is 4,6,4,6,... 2 Cycles, i.e. the end of an odd number of times is 4 and the end of an even number of times is 6, so the last digit of the 1995 power of 1994 is 4