The point 8 cm to the right of the origin on the number axis represents a rational number of 32, and what is the rational number 12 cm to the left of the number axis

The point 8 cm to the right of the origin on the number axis represents a rational number of 32, and what is the rational number 12 cm to the left of the number axis


The point 8 cm to the right of the origin on the number axis represents a rational number of 32, so what is the point 18 cm to the left of the number axis?

The rational number represented by the point 8cm to the right of the origin on the number axis is 32.1cm represents 4 unit lengths. The rational number represented by the point 18cm to the left of the number axis is 4 times 18, which is equal to negative 72.

The rational number represented by the point 8cm to the right of the origin on the number axis is 32.1cm represents 4 unit lengths. The rational number represented by the point 18cm to the left of the number axis is 4 times 18, which is equal to negative 72