The 99th power of 2 power of 2?

The 99th power of 2 power of 2?


2 To the 100th power minus 2 to the 99th power minus 2 to the 98th power minus 2 to the omitted number minus 2 to the 2th power minus 1,

One hundred the 100th power minus 2 to the 99th power minus 2 to the 98th power minus 1
=2^100-2^99-…… -2^2-2-1
=2^99*(2-1)-2^98-…… -2^2-2-1
=2^99-2^98-…… -2^2-2-1

2 To the 100th power minus 2 to the 99th power minus 2 to the 98th power minus minus 1
=2^100-2^99-…… -2^2-2-1
=2^99*(2-1)-2^98-…… -2^2-2-1
=2^99-2^98-…… -2^2-2-1