2011 Power of 3+2010 power of 3+…… +3+1= Key Methods 2011 Power of 3+2010 power of 3+…… +3+1= To Method

2011 Power of 3+2010 power of 3+…… +3+1= Key Methods 2011 Power of 3+2010 power of 3+…… +3+1= To Method

2011 Power of T=3+2010 power of 3+…… +3+1
Then 3T=3 2012+3 2011+…… 2Nd power of +3
=(2012 Power of 3+2011 power of 3+…… +3 To the second power +3)-(3 to the 2011 power +3 to the 2010 power +…… +3+1)
=2012 Power of 3-1
T =2/2(2012-1 of 2)
I.e.2011 power of 3+2010 power of 3+…… +3+1=2/2(2012-1 Of 2)

4 To the power of 2011 4 to the power of 2010 4+1

Let T=4's 2011+4's 2010+...+4+1's 2012+4's 2011+...+42+43T=4T-T=(4's 2012+4's 2011+...+42+4)-(4's 2011+4's 2010+...+4+ s 2011 power 4's 2010 power +...+4+1)=4's 2012 power-1 T=(4's 2012 power-1)/3, namely...