What is the 2010 power of 3* one-third of the 2011 power of 3?

What is the 2010 power of 3* one-third of the 2011 power of 3?

2010 Power of 3* one third of 2011 power

The result of the 199th power of the negative half plus the 100th power of the negative half is

100Th power of negative 1/2=100th power of 1/2=199th power of 1/2 multiplied by 1/2
The final answer at one time is the 199th power of 199th power multiplied by one-half = minus one-half to the 100th power

100Th power of negative 1/2=100th power of 1/2=199th power of 1/2 multiplied by 1/2
One time the final answer is minus one-half to the 199th power multiplied by one-half = minus one-half to the 100th power