0.25 To the 2010 power x 4 to the 2009 power -8 to the 100 power x 0.5 to the 300 power

0.25 To the 2010 power x 4 to the 2009 power -8 to the 100 power x 0.5 to the 300 power


2010 Power of 8 multiplied by 0.25 2009 power =?

8 To the 2010 power by 0.25 to the 2009 power =8 to the 8 to the 2009 power by 0.25 to the 2009 power
=8 Times (8 times 0.25)2009 power =2 3 times 2 2009 power
=2012 Power of 2

2010 Power of 8 times 2009 power of 0.25=8 times 2009 power of 8 times 2009 power of 0.25
=8 Times (8 times 0.25)2009 power =2 3 times 2 2009 power
=2012 Power of 2