Given X-squared +X-1=0, find the value of the cube of 2002X +2001X-squared-2003X-2004 Monomial*Polynomials for Grade 7 Given X square + X-1=0, find the value of 2002X cube +2001X square-2003X-2004 Monomial*Polynomials for Grade 7

Given X-squared +X-1=0, find the value of the cube of 2002X +2001X-squared-2003X-2004 Monomial*Polynomials for Grade 7 Given X square + X-1=0, find the value of 2002X cube +2001X square-2003X-2004 Monomial*Polynomials for Grade 7

X^2+X-1=0x^2+x=12002X^3+2001X^2-2003X-2004=2001x^3+2002x^2-x^2-2003x-2004=2002x (x^2+x)-x^2-2003x-2004=2002x-x^2-2003x-2004=-(x^2+x)-2004=-1-2004=-2005

Try: Given the second power of X +X-1=0, find the value of the third power of 2002X + the second power of 2001X -2003X-2004(solve by integral substitution) The second power of X +X-1=0 is given, and the value of the third power of 2002X + the second power of 2001X -2003X-2004 is obtained.

2002X^3+2001X^2-2003X-2004=2002X^3+2002X^2-X^2-2002X-X-2004=2002X^3+2002X^2-2002X-X^2-X+1-1-2004=(2002X^3+2002X^2-2002X)-(X^2+X-1)-1-2004=2002X (X^2+X-1)-(X^2+X-1)-1-2004=-1-2004=-2005