Calculation: the cubic power of 2014-2* the square of 2014-2012 divided by the cubic power of 2014+ the square of 2014-2015 Easy calculation

Calculation: the cubic power of 2014-2* the square of 2014-2012 divided by the cubic power of 2014+ the square of 2014-2015 Easy calculation

(Cubic power of 2014-2* Square of 2014-2012) divided by (Cubic power of 2014+2014 squared-2015)=[2014 2*(2014-2)-2012]÷[2014 2*(2014+1)-2015]=[(20142-1)*2012]÷[(20142-1)*2015]=2012/2015...

The result of calculating the 2013 power of (-0.125) multiplied by 8 to the 2013 power +(-1) to the 2012 power +(-1) to the 2011 power is

(-0.125) Multiplied by 8 for 2013+(-1) for 2012+(-1) for 2011
2013 Power of =-(0.125x8)+1-1
=-1 To the power of 2013