What is the value of the (2004 power of 2 minus 2006 power of 2) score (2005 power of 2) calculated by factorization

What is the value of the (2004 power of 2 minus 2006 power of 2) score (2005 power of 2) calculated by factorization

(2004 Power of 2 minus 2006 power of 2)(2005 power of 2)
=2005 Power of 2÷(2004 power of 2 minus 2006 power of 2)
=2005 Power of 2÷[2004 power of 2(2 power of 1-2)]
=2005 Power of 2÷2004 power of 2÷(-3)
= - 2/3

(2004 Power of 2 minus 2006 power of 2)(2005 power of 2)
=2005 Power of 2÷(2004 power of 2 minus 2006 power of 2)
=2005 Power of 2÷[2004 power of 2(2nd power of 1-2)]
=2005 Power of 2÷2004 power of 2÷(-3)
= - 2/3

Calculate the result of (-2) to the 2005 power +(-2) to the 2006 power

There are two methods. First, divide (-2) into (-2) times (-2) times (-2) times (-2) times (-2) times (-2), the actual expression becomes (-2) times (2005 times) minus 2 times (-2) times (2005 times), the last one is -1 times (-2) times (2005 times), because the negative number of odd power is negative, plus a negative sign, the result is positive 2 times (2005 times).