The power of 2011-2 of The power of 2011-2 of calculation 2 is equal to the power of 2010

The power of 2011-2 of The power of 2011-2 of calculation 2 is equal to the power of 2010

2^2011 - 2^2010
= 2 * 2^2010 - 2^2010
= (2-1) * 2^2010
= 2^2010

Known |a| A+|b| B+|c| C=-1, try to find ab |Ab bc |Bc ca |Ca abc Value of |abc|. Known |a| A+|b| B+|c| C=-1, try to find ab |Ab||+bc |Bc ca |Ca abc Value of |abc|.

If a <0, b <0,c>0, then ab >0, bc <0, ca <0,abc>0,1-1-1+1=0;2 if a <0,b>0, c <0, then ab <0, bc >0,abc >0,=-1-1+1+1=0;