The irrational number includes: positive irrational number,0, and negative irrational number. Why?

The irrational number includes: positive irrational number,0, and negative irrational number. Why?

No.0 is a rational number.

Why is pie an irrational number? A fraction is a rational number, a fraction that can be turned into a fraction is also a rational number," pie "is the ratio of circumference to diameter, and can also be turned into a fraction. Why not a rational number, but an irrational number? To say that because it's an infinite non-recurring decimal without reason, please point the small cross in the upper right corner Why is pie an irrational number? A fraction is a rational number, a fraction that can be turned into a fraction is also a rational number, a "pie" is a ratio of the circumference to the diameter, and can also be turned into a fraction. Why not a rational number, but an irrational number? To say that because it's an infinite non-recurring decimal, why not?

Integers and fractions are collectively called rational numbers. Any rational number can be written as a fraction m/n (m, n are integers and n=0).
You can write the ratio of circumference to diameter as m/n, but it can never satisfy that m, n are all integers, so the ratio of circumference to diameter is irrational
In other words," the ratio of circumference to diameter "is not a fraction, so he is an irrational number