What is a rational number? What is an irrational number? Definition! What else is a natural number? What is an integer? What is a score? To define!

What is a rational number? What is an irrational number? Definition! What else is a natural number? What is an integer? What is a score? To define!

Rational number: A number that can be expressed precisely as the ratio of two integers. This includes integers and fractions, which can also be expressed as finite or infinite cyclic decimals. This is defined in decimal and other carry systems (such as binary)
Irrational number
An irrational number is a number in a real number that can not be accurately expressed as the ratio of two integers, i.e., an infinite non-recurring decimal, such as pi, the square root of 2, etc.

Rational number: A number that can be expressed precisely as the ratio of two integers. This includes integers and fractions, which can also be expressed as finite decimals or infinite cyclic decimals. This definition is based on decimal and other carry systems (such as binary)
Irrational number
An irrational number is a number in a real number that can not be accurately expressed as the ratio of two integers, i.e., infinite non-recurring decimals, such as pi, square root of 2, etc.

Rational number: A number that can be expressed precisely as the ratio of two integers. This includes integers and fractions, which can also be expressed as finite or infinite cyclic decimals. This definition is based on the decimal and other carry systems of the number (such as binary).
Irrational number
An irrational number is a number in a real number that can not be accurately expressed as the ratio of two integers, i.e., infinite non-recurring decimals, such as pi, square root of 2, etc.

Definition of irrational number and rational number Okay, just points! Definition of irrational number and rational number Okay, just split!

An irrational number is a number in a real number that can not be accurately expressed as the ratio of two integers, i.e., infinite non-recurring decimals, such as pi, square root of 2, etc.
Real number (real munber) is divided into rational number and irrational number (irrational number)
A rational number is the ratio of an integer a to a nonzero integer b, usually written a/b.
Includes integers and commonly called fractions, which can also be expressed as finite or infinite cyclic decimals.
This definition applies to decimal and other carry systems, such as binary.
Real number (real munber) is divided into rational number and irrational number (irrational number)