If the absolute value a divided by a plus the absolute value b divided by b equals 0, then the absolute value ab divided by ab equals?

If the absolute value a divided by a plus the absolute value b divided by b equals 0, then the absolute value ab divided by ab equals?

Absolute value a divided by a plus absolute value b divided by b equals 0
So when absolute value a is divided by a and absolute value b is divided by b, one is 1, the other is -1.A and b, one is positive and the other is negative.
Then it's negative.
So absolute ab divided by ab =-1

Given that ab is not equal to 0, how much is the absolute value of a divided by the quotient of a plus the absolute value of b divided by b?

I. If a >0, b >0
II. If a <0, b <0
III. If a >0, b <0
IV. If a <0、b>0