What is the zero power of a negative number (without parentheses) What is the power of a negative number (without parentheses)

What is the zero power of a negative number (without parentheses) What is the power of a negative number (without parentheses)

The zero power of a number (not zero) is equal to 1,
Because of the minus sign preceding it, the entire expression is equal to -1, for example
Express as follows:-ao =-(1)=-1

The zero power of a number (not zero) equals 1,
Because it is preceded by a minus sign, the entire expression is equal to -1, for example
Express as follows:-ao =-(1)=-1

What is the difference between the fourth power of-24 and the fourth power of-24? Negative numbers without brackets, even positive numbers with brackets? What is the difference between the fourth power of-24 and the fourth power of-24? Negative numbers without brackets, even-power positive numbers with brackets?

The fourth power of -24 and the fourth power of -24 are square (-24) is the power of the operation method is mutually inverse operation