If a.b is not equal to 0, divide ab by the absolute value of ab+a divided by the absolute value of a+b divided by the absolute value of b~

If a.b is not equal to 0, divide ab by the absolute value of ab+a divided by the absolute value of a+b divided by the absolute value of b~

Four cases
A >0, b >0, then the original formula =1+1+1=3;
A >0, b <0, then the original formula =-1+1-1=-1;
A <0,b>0, then the original formula =-1-1+1=-1;
A <0, b <0, then the original formula=1-1-1=-1
So answer 3 or -1.

Four cases
A >0, b >0, then the original formula =1+1+1=3;
A >0, b <0, then the original formula =-1+1-1=-1;
A <0,b>0, then the original formula =-1-1+1=-1;
A <0, b <0, then the original formula=1-1-1=-1
So answer 3 or -1

If the absolute value of a minus 2 is equal to a minus 2 and the absolute value of b minus 1 is equal to 1 minus b, compare ab

Because |a-2|=a-2, a-2>=0, add 2 on both sides at the same time to get a >=2(knowledge point: add an equal sign on both sides of inequality at the same time)
And because |b-1|=1-b=-(b-1), b-1<=0, the same as the top two sides add 1 at the same time to get b <=1
So a > b

Because |a-2|=a-2, a-2>=0, add 2 on both sides at the same time to get a >=2(knowledge point: add an equal sign on both sides of inequality at the same time)
And because |b-1|=1-b=-(b-1), b-1<=0, the same as the two sides add 1 at the same time to get b <=1
So a > b