What is a rational number What is rational number

What is a rational number What is rational number

Rational number (rational number):
Infinite non-circulating decimals and numbers with open roots are called irrational numbers
Integers and fractions are collectively called rational numbers
Includes integers and commonly called fractions, which can also be expressed as finite or infinite cyclic decimals.
This definition applies to decimal and other carry systems, such as binary.
Mathematically, rational numbers are the ratio of an integer a to a nonzero integer b and are usually written as a/b, so they are also called fractions. Greek is called, which is originally meant as "proportional number "(rational number), but the Chinese translation is inappropriate and gradually becomes" rational number ". Real numbers that are not rational numbers are called irrational numbers.
The set of all rational numbers is expressed as Q, and the decimal part of rational numbers is finite or cyclic.
Rational numbers are divided into integers and fractions
Integers are divided into positive integers, negative integers, and 0s
The score is divided into positive score and negative score
Positive integers and 0s are also called natural numbers
An irrational number is a number in a real number that can not be accurately expressed as the ratio of two integers, i.e., infinite non-recurring decimals, such as pi, square root of 2, etc.
Real numbers (real munber) are divided into rational numbers and irrational numbers (irrational number).
· Distinction between irrational and rational numbers:
1. When both rational and irrational numbers are written as decimals, rational numbers can be written as finite decimals and infinite circular decimals.
For example,4=4.0,4/5=0.8,1/3=0.33333... And irrational numbers can only be written as infinite non-recurring decimals,
E.g.√2=1.414213562... According to this, irrational numbers are defined as infinite non - cyclic decimals.
2. All rational numbers can be written as the ratio of two integers; irrational numbers can not. According to this point, it is suggested to take off the label of "irrational" for irrational numbers, to change rational numbers into "comparative numbers ", and to change irrational numbers into" non-comparative numbers ".
By using the main difference between rational and irrational numbers, it can be proved that √2 is irrational.

The absolute value of ab minus two plus b minus one. The square of the parenthesis equals zero.

Since ab minus two absolute values are equal to the square of negative b minus one bracket, ab minus two absolute values are greater than or equal to 0, so b minus one bracket squared =0, b is equal to 1, ab minus two absolute values are equal to 0, a is equal to 2,
One ab equals one half

Since that absolute value of ab minus two is equal to the square of negative b minus one bracket, the absolute value of ab minus two is greater than or equal to 0, so that the square of b minus one bracket =0, so that b is equal to 1, so that the absolute value of ab minus two is equal to 0, a is equal to 2,
One ab equals one half

Since that absolute value of ab minus two is equal to the square of negative b minus one bracket, the absolute value of ab minus two is greater than or equal to 0, so that the square of b minus one bracket =0, so that b is equal to 1, so that the absolute value of ab minus two is equal to 0, a is equal to 2,
One-ab equals one-half