Mixed Calculation of Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Fraction, Decimal, Decimal and Percentage

Mixed Calculation of Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Fraction, Decimal, Decimal and Percentage

Usually this problem is unified into fractions or decimals before calculation.

What is the relationship between decimals, fractions, and percentages?

A fraction by percentage. Write the percentage as a fraction with a denominator of one hundred.
Decimalization can remove the percent sign and move the decimal point to the left by two digits.
Decimalization of percentages, first decimals into the denominator is a fraction of one hundred, and then written in percentage form.
Fractionalization of percentage, first of all, using the relationship between fraction and division, fraction into decimals (divide by three decimal places) in the percentage.

A fraction by percentage. Write the percentage as a fraction with a denominator of one hundred.
Decimalization can remove the percent sign and move the decimal point to the left by two digits.
Decimalization of a percentage, first decimals into the denominator is a fraction of one hundred, and then written in percentage form.
Fractionalization of percentage, first of all, using the relationship between fraction and division, fraction into decimals (divide by three decimal places) in the percentage.