Relationship between decimals, percentages, fractions

Relationship between decimals, percentages, fractions

A score is a number divided equally into portions, one or more of which are taken.
Decimal is the denominator is the fraction of the 10,100,1000.,
The percentage is the denominator and the fraction is 100
The three numbers can be converted to each other.

Decimal points, hundreds of fractions, what does that have to do with the ratio?

A decimal is a number with a decimal point (.); for example,0.2
A fraction is a number with (-); for example,5/3
A percentage is a number with (%); for example,50%
Ratio: The division of two numbers is also called the ratio of the two numbers.
Name of each part of the ratio and method of reading and writing:6÷4 Writing 6:4.":" is the ratio sign, which is read as "comparison ".

A decimal is a number with a decimal point (.); for example,0.2
A fraction is a number with (-); for example,5/3
A percentage is a number with (%); for example,50%
Ratio: The division of two numbers is also called the ratio of the two numbers.
Name of each part of the ratio and method of reading and writing:6÷4 Writing 6:4.":" is the ratio sign, which is read as "ratio ".

A decimal is a number with a decimal point (.); for example,0.2
A fraction is a number with (-); for example,5/3
A percentage is a number with (%); for example,50%
Ratio: The division of two numbers is also called the ratio of the two numbers.
The name of each part of the ratio and the method of reading and writing:6÷4 Writing 6:4.":" is the ratio sign, which is read as "comparison ".