What do you mean by natural number, integer, decimal, fraction, percentage, positive number, negative number

What do you mean by natural number, integer, decimal, fraction, percentage, positive number, negative number

Natural number includes 0,1,2,3... . Integer is 0,1,2,3,4... ...... Decimal is a number with a decimal point called a decimal, for example:0.1,0.2... A fraction is a fraction of a number that is a fraction of another number, for example,9/2. .............................................................................................................................. . Negative numbers are -1,-2,-3... .0 Is neither positive nor negative.

Do natural numbers include 0, fractions, decimals, and negative numbers?

In the old textbook," natural number: correct integer (i.e. all integers greater than zero, excluding zero)" was defined; in the later textbook revision, the new textbook stipulated that "natural number: refers to zero and all positive integers ", so decimals are not natural numbers.