What is irrationality? What is the specific concept of irrational numbers? Can you give me an example?

What is irrationality? What is the specific concept of irrational numbers? Can you give me an example?

In the process of finding the root of a number, we find that the root of many numbers is not an exact value, but an approximate value.
In addition, pi =3.141592653... ,
Another example is:0.1010010001.
These numbers are not finite decimals or infinite cyclic decimals, that is, they are not rational numbers, they are all infinite non-cyclic decimals.
Note:(1) An irrational number should satisfy three conditions:1 is a decimal number;2 is an infinite decimal number; and 3 is not cyclic.
(2) The irrational numbers are not all numbers with root sign (for example,π is irrational number), otherwise, the numbers with root sign are not all irrational numbers.

Will the absolute value of a rational number be negative? Why?

Absolute value is always greater than or equal to 0