Which of the following are rational numbers? Which are irrational numbers? 3.11 -2/3 0.23[23 Is cyclic ]4.969696.[ ellipsis ]π0 2.351355135551.[ Ellipsis ](number of 5 between 3 and 1 plus 1)

Which of the following are rational numbers? Which are irrational numbers? 3.11 -2/3 0.23[23 Is cyclic ]4.969696.[ ellipsis ]π0 2.351355135551.[ Ellipsis ](number of 5 between 3 and 1 plus 1)

Rational number (integer, finite decimal, infinite cyclic decimal)0:3.11,-2/3,0.23[23 is cyclic ],0
Irrational numbers (infinite non-recurring decimals):4.969696.[ ellipsis ],π,2.351355135551.[ ellipsis ](the number of 5 between 3 and 1 plus 1)

In the following numbers, the number of irrational numbers is () π,-√4,√25/9,3.14159,1/6,-√3,3.131131131…… ,3.131331333133331…… 2. Two of the following groups are of the same kind () 1Mn^2 and -3n^2m2πa^b and 1/3a^b3 2^3 and 3^2 4x^2 and a^2 3. If two numbers are opposite, then their absolute values are equal, right or wrong 4. If xyz <0, the value of |x|/x+|y|/y+|z|/z+|xyz|/yzx is 5. Given |x|=2012,|y|=2013, then x+y has () values.

In the following numbers, the number of irrational numbers is (3)
π,-√4,√25/9,3.14159,1/6,-√3,3.131131131…… ,3.131331333133331……
2. Two of the following groups are of the same kind (123)
1Mn^2 and -3n^2m2πa^b and 1/3a^b3 2^3 and 3^2 4x^2 and a^2
3. If two numbers are opposite, then their absolute values are equal, right or wrong (√)
4. If xyz <0, the value of |x|/x+|y|/y+|z|/z+|xyz|/yzx is (0)
5. Given |x|=2012,|y|=2013, then x+y has (4) values.