Calculate the value of s=1+4+4 square+4 third power +4 fourth power +.+4 20th power, fast! Don't do it in an equivalent series. I' m in seventh grade. Okay.

Calculate the value of s=1+4+4 square+4 third power +4 fourth power +.+4 20th power, fast! Don't do it in an equivalent series. I' m in seventh grade. Okay.

S=1+4+4 square+4 third power +4 fourth power +.+4 20th power
4S =4+4 square +4 third power +4 fourth power +.+4 20 power +4 21 power
4S-s=4 to the 21st power-1=3s
S =(4 to the 21st power-1)/3
I don't think anyone's gon na want you to figure out the 21st power of 4, so that's the answer

Calculate the square of 1-1/2×[3×(-2/3)-(-1)]+1/4÷(-1/2) Calculate the square of 1-1/2×[3×(-2/3)-(-1) to the fourth power ]+-1/2)

1-1/2×[3×(-2/3) Square-(-1) fourth power ]+1/4÷(-1/2) square
=1-1/2 X (3x4/9-1)+1/4÷1/4
=1-1/2 X (4/3-1)+1
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