Rational definition operation For rational numbers, define an operation "△" such that a△b=3a+b÷a-3b, and find the value of (-2△[3△(-4)]. Please describe the algorithm or principle! Please state the reason! Rational definition operation For rational numbers, define an operation "△" such that a△b=3a+b÷a-3b, and obtain the value of (-2△[3△(-4)]. Please state the algorithm or reason! Please state the reason!

Rational definition operation For rational numbers, define an operation "△" such that a△b=3a+b÷a-3b, and find the value of (-2△[3△(-4)]. Please describe the algorithm or principle! Please state the reason! Rational definition operation For rational numbers, define an operation "△" such that a△b=3a+b÷a-3b, and obtain the value of (-2△[3△(-4)]. Please state the algorithm or reason! Please state the reason!

Original formula =(-2)Δ[3*7+(-6)/7-3*(-6)]

In the original algorithm of rational number, we define the new operation ""as follows: When a≥b, a b=b2, when a < b, a b=a, this definition is used to calculate:[1(-2)]5-4×[(-3)2],

According to when a≥b, a b=b2 when a < b, a b=a,
For your reference.