Rational numbers are classified by the property sign of what number

Rational numbers are classified by the property sign of what number

1, Rational number into integer, fraction; integer into positive integer, negative integer and 0; fraction into positive fraction and negative fraction
2. The rational number is divided into positive number,0, negative number. The positive number is divided into positive integer and positive fraction, and the negative number is divided into negative integer and negative fraction.

What is the definition of a real number, a prime number, a rational number, and an irrational number?

Real numbers, including 0 integers and fractions, are collectively called rational irrational numbers, i.e., real numbers that are not rational numbers, and can not be written as a ratio of two integers. If it is written as a decimal form, there are infinite numbers after the decimal point, and there is no circulation of prime numbers, which are also called primes. It means that in a natural number greater than 1, there is no other than 1 and the integer itself.

Real numbers, including 0 integers and fractions, are collectively referred to as rational irrational numbers, i.e. real numbers that are not rational numbers, and can not be written as a ratio of two integers. If it is written as a decimal form, there are infinite numbers after the decimal point, and the prime number is also called a prime number. It means that in a natural number greater than 1, except for 1 and the integer itself, it can not be used by others.