Real, prime, prime, natural, rational... definition? All of a sudden don't remember what these points to, do n' t remember accurately, with their own words, short, must be accurate, you can think of what words, thank you! Real number, prime number, prime number, natural number, rational number... definition? All of a sudden, he couldn't remember what these words were referring to. He could n' t remember them accurately. If he used his own words, he had to be short and accurate. If he could think of any other words, he would be grateful and disrespectful!

Real, prime, prime, natural, rational... definition? All of a sudden don't remember what these points to, do n' t remember accurately, with their own words, short, must be accurate, you can think of what words, thank you! Real number, prime number, prime number, natural number, rational number... definition? All of a sudden, he couldn't remember what these words were referring to. He could n' t remember them accurately. If he used his own words, he had to be short and accurate. If he could think of any other words, he would be grateful and disrespectful!

Natural numbers are all nonnegative integers.
Prime: For a positive integer greater than 1, if it can only be divided by 1 and itself, then this number is a prime. Otherwise, it is a composite. Note that 1 is neither prime nor composite.
A prime number is a prime number.
Rational number: Any number that can be expressed as a fraction is a rational number. It can also be defined as a rational number consisting of: integer, finite decimal, infinite cyclic decimal.
Real numbers consist of irrational numbers and rational numbers.
An irrational number is an infinite non - repeating decimal.
Complex number: the form a+bi, a, b is a real number, i is the unit of imaginary number (i-square=-1)

Real number range, number classification, such as natural number, positive integer, integer, rational number,5 examples for each, Please answer, the numbers below do not belong to each category 1. Natural number:0,-1,3√2 2. Positive integer:0, 3. Integer:-1,3.14,π,3√2 4. Rational number:1,1⁄2,3.14,π,3√2 5. Real number:π,3√2 Please don't disagree and answer accurately. Thank you.

1. Natural number:0,1,2,3,4,5,... Therefore -1 and 3√2 are not natural numbers;
2. Positive integer:1,2,3,4,5,... Therefore 0 is not a positive integer;
3. Integer:... ,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,……
Therefore,3.14,π and 3√2 are not integers;
4. Rational number:1,1⁄2,3.14,3.333...,1.5,... So π,3√2
5. Real number:π,3√2, e,1⁄2,0,...
[Note: Real number = rational number + irrational number (infinite non-circulating decimal number);
Rational = integer + finite decimal + infinite cyclic decimal;
Integer = negative integer + zero + positive integer;
Natural number = positive integer + zero]