What is integer, natural number, positive fraction, negative fraction, positive integer, negative integer, rational number Also, are all decimals fractions? If they are classified, do they fall into the positive/negative fractions? Although I was in junior high school, but these little knowledge have forgotten? What is integer, natural number, positive fraction, negative fraction, positive integer, negative integer, rational number Are all the decimals also fractions? If they are classified, are the decimals fall into positive/negative fractions? Although I was in junior high school, but these little knowledge have forgotten?

What is integer, natural number, positive fraction, negative fraction, positive integer, negative integer, rational number Also, are all decimals fractions? If they are classified, do they fall into the positive/negative fractions? Although I was in junior high school, but these little knowledge have forgotten? What is integer, natural number, positive fraction, negative fraction, positive integer, negative integer, rational number Are all the decimals also fractions? If they are classified, are the decimals fall into positive/negative fractions? Although I was in junior high school, but these little knowledge have forgotten?

Integer is (example)10,100...
Ah < decimal is 0.10.2
Divide a portion of cake into eight portions
One is one in eight.
Because I didn't learn it in fourth grade.

Add 2 rational numbers. If the sum is negative, the number of negative numbers in the addition () A. There are two B. Only 1 C. At least 1 D. Could be 0 Add two rational numbers. If the sum is negative, the number of negative numbers in the addition () A. Two B. Only 1 C. At least 1 D. Could be 0 Add two rational numbers. If the sum is negative, the number of negative numbers in the additive number () A. Two B. Only 1 C. At least 1 D. Could be 0

The sum is negative
There are two cases:(1) two numbers are negative;(2) one is negative and one is positive, and the absolute value of the negative number is greater than the positive number or one is negative and one is zero.
At least 1.
Therefore, C.

Negative sum
There are two cases:(1) two numbers are negative;(2) one is negative and one is positive, and the absolute value of the negative number is greater than the positive number or one is negative and one is 0.
At least 1.
Therefore, C.