Vector multiplication rule

Vector multiplication rule

If the angle between vectors A=(a, b) and B=(c, d) is θ, then AB=ac+bd=|A||B|cosθ

What is the formula for multiplying two vectors

For example (1,2)(1,3)=1+6=7

What is the multiplication of vectors? Formula?


Plane vector and vector multiplication formula?

The moduli of the two vectors are multiplied by the cosine of the included angle
If the angle between a vector and b vector is α, then a vector * b vector =| a vector || b vector | cosa
In case of coordinate calculation: if a vector (x1, y1), b vector (x2, y2), then a vector*b vector=(x1x2+y1y2)

How to calculate the module after vector multiplication? For example:|a*b|=? A, b are vectors

First of all, let's make it clear that the product of two vectors is a number, not a vector, and then a * b is a number, not a vector, so there is no module.

Can Vector Modules Multiply Be Equal to Negative Values For example, can A-module multiply B-module be equal to negative one? I do a mathematical problem, is two modules multiplied by a negative ~. Can Vector Modules Multiply Be Equal to Negative Values For example, can A module be multiplied by B module be equal to negative one? I do a mathematical problem, is two modules multiplied by a negative ~.

Can not be negative, vector modulo is positive, multiplication can not be negative

Can not be negative, vector modulus is positive, multiplication can not be negative