Is 0 multiplied by AB vector equal to 0?

Is 0 multiplied by AB vector equal to 0?

Not equal to 0, is equal to 0 vector.
The number multiplication vector is equal to the vector and not equal to the number.
This is a basic concept that is in the book.

Given vector a=(3,4), and vector a*b=10, then the number of projectiles in direction a of b equals The answer is 2 What is the specific process Given vector a=(3,4) and vector a*b=10, then the number of projectiles in direction a of b is equal to The answer is 2 What is the specific process

B Number of projectiles in a direction =|b|cosθ(θ= angle of a, b)
= A.b/|a|
= 10/√(9+14)
= 2

In triangle ABC, AB =3, AC =2, BC =10, multiply vector AB by the value of vector AC

Cosine theorem gives cosA=(3^2+2^2-10)/2*3*2=1/4,
So AB*AC=|AB||AC|cosA=3*2*(1/4)=3/2.

If vector a =(4.m) and vector b =(-2.1) are collinear, then m = what

The vectors A (a1, a2), B (b1, b2) are collinear
A1b2= a2b1

The vectors A (a1, a2), B (b1, b2) are collinear
A1b2= a2b1

Given vector a=(2,3), vector b=(-1,2) If ma+nb is collinear with a-2b, what is m/n equal to? 3Q

(2M-n)(-1)=(3m+2n)*4, m/n=-1/2(remember the formula: when the two vectors are parallel: x1y2=x2y1, when vertical: x1x2+y1y2=0).

(2M-n)(-1)=(3m+2n)*4, m/n=-1/2(remember the formula: when two vectors are parallel: x1y2=x2y1, when vertical: x1x2+y1y2=0).

Vector a multiplied by vector b is equal to vector b multiplied by vector c, vector a=b? The vectors a, b are multiplied, equal to |a b|*cosθ, but a*b=b*c, may be |a|=|c|, but a, c and b have the same angle on both sides of b. Vector a multiplied by vector b is equal to vector b multiplied by vector c, vector a=b when b is not a 0 vector Vector a multiplied by vector b is equal to vector b multiplied by vector c, vector a=b? The vectors a, b are multiplied by equal to |a b|*cosθ, but a*b=b*c, may be |a|=|c|, but a, c and b have the same angle on both sides of b. Vector a multiplied by vector b is equal to vector b multiplied by vector c, vector a=b when b is not a 0 vector

No, there are too many examples. For example, if a is perpendicular to b, then ab=0, let c=2a,3a,... Both meet the conditions, this is just one example, not very enumeration.

No, there are too many examples. For example, if a is perpendicular to b, then ab=0, let c=2a,3a,... Both satisfy the conditions, this is only an example of one side, not very enumeration.