What is the negative power of half

What is the negative power of half

The negative nth power of a is equal to the reciprocal of nth power of a.
For example, the negative one power of a equals one part of a
The negative second power of a is equal to one square of a
So minus one of three equals one-third.
The negative second power of 3 is equal to one of the squares of 3, which is 1/9
(1/2) The negative first power is equal to the reciprocal of 1/2, which is 2.
(1/2) The negative second power is equal to the inverse of the square of (1/2), which is 4.

The negative nth power of a is equal to the reciprocal of nth power of a.
For example, the negative one power of a equals one part of a
The negative second power of a is equal to one square of a
So minus one power of 3 equals 1/3.
The negative second power of 3 is equal to one of the squares of 3, which is 1/9
(1/2) The negative first power is equal to the reciprocal of 1/2, which is 2.
(1/2) The negative second power is equal to the inverse of the square of (1/2), which is 4.

What is one-half of 2009 power? What is the 2010 power of minus two? To provide some of these questions What is one-half of the 2009 power? What is the 2010 power of minus two? To provide some of these questions.

Half of the 2009 power is 2-2009 power
2010 Power of negative two is 2010 power of 2