What is the last digit of the calculation result of the 2012 power of (2011)+ the 2011 power of (2012)?

What is the last digit of the calculation result of the 2012 power of (2011)+ the 2011 power of (2012)?

(2011) The last digit of the calculation result of the power of 2012 is 12012^1 The last digit of the calculation result is 22012^2 The last digit of the calculation result is 42012^3 The last digit of the calculation result is 82012^4 The last digit of the calculation result is 62012^5 The last digit of the calculation result is 20 of 22011=4*502+3(2012)...

(2011) The last digit of the calculation result of the 2012 power is 12012^1 The last digit of the calculation result is 22012^2 The last digit of the calculation result is 42012^3 The last digit of the calculation result is 82012^4 The last digit of the calculation result is 62012^5 The last digit of the calculation result is 22011=4*502+3(2012)20...
