The position of rational numbers a, b, c on the number axis is shown in the figure. Please dissolve |a a+b c-a|a between -3-2 and b between -1. C between 0 and 1 Between 2

The position of rational numbers a, b, c on the number axis is shown in the figure. Please dissolve |a a+b c-a|a between -3-2 and b between -1. C between 0 and 1 Between 2

-3< A <-2, a|=-a.
-1< B <0, a+b <0,|a+b|=-(a+b)=-a-b.
1< C <2,∴c-a>0,|c-a|=c-a,
A a+b c-a|

(-8)2004 Power (-0.125)2003 power =,2 2005 power-2 2004 power =. I'm in a hurry. (-8)2004 Power (-0.125)2003 powerth power =,2-2 2004 power =. I'm in a hurry.

(-8)2004 Power (-0.125)2003 power =-8.
2 To the 2005th power -2 to the 2004th power =2 to the 2004th power.