How is the size of the 2009 power in 2008 compared to the 2008 power in 2009

How is the size of the 2009 power in 2008 compared to the 2008 power in 2009

Must be the 2009th in 2008

Must be 2008 2009

Size of 2009 power in 2008 compared to 2008 power in 2009 2008 2009 Power and 2009 2008 power comparison size to junior high school students understand! Size of 2009 power of 2008 compared to 2008 power of 2009 2008 2009 Power and 2009 2008 power comparison size to junior high school students understand!

2009 Power of 2008 is equal to 2008*2008 2008 power of 2008 power of 2009 divided by (2008 power of 2008)=(2009/2008)2008 power of 2008<2008 so the previous comparison 2009/2008=1.0004980079681 Although very close to 1, after so many powers about 2.71